
BEING Architects is founded in Guangzhou since 2017. Studio committed to integrated research and design with multi fields and dimensions in urban development and renewal, including urban environment, architecture, landscape, interior, art installations and products. Based on multi - dimensional thinking , we always adhere to the open thinking, emphasize the social responsibility in urban development and renewal, multi angle research of industrial forms and innovative design of new experience space, and try to establish a comprehensive design strategy system of cross specialty, space , construction and art. We pay attention to experience and believe that high-quality experience exists in the environment, people, space, materials, technology and structure. At the same time of deep excavation of cultural value, we take the open architecture , landscape , interior, installation art and other comprehensive design strategic thinking to provide users with creative experience of space and create a place with high quality that can bring pleasant space experience. We pay attention to functions, provide different strategies to solve problems for the project , and seek the balance among social guidance, business interests and use needs. We pay attention to the actual construction , and devote ourselves to the engineering management construction to realize the seamless connection be twee n the design and construction practice , and strive to achieve the high-quality completion of the project.
